Parkinson’s Support Groups
We are fortunate in Hamilton to be able to offer a support group for those living with Parkinson’s and their care partners, family, etc. The support groups are run by volunteers and are overseen by Parkinson Canada.
Carol and I have been facilitating the Hamilton group for nearly 10 years now and we were thrilled to be able to offer the group out of the Parkinson’s Wellness Centre.
The groups are both educational and supportive. Guest speakers are invited to present on various topics related to living with Parkinson’s, and information is also shared on events, workshops, etc. The meetings are a place to share struggles, provide encouragement to others, share positive experiences and to know that you are not alone. There are lots of laughs and fun celebrations as well.
We hope to continue to provide a group that encourages sharing in a safe environment as well as continuing to invite community groups and professionals to share their expertise with us.
Contact Us Today
Contact email: lindaveitch1958@gmail.com